1. Children Are A Product Of Their Environment

Tattoo this principle onto your brain. The more things that promote Catholicism in your child’s environment, the more likely he will stay Catholic. The more things that promote Godlessness around your child, the more likely he will leave the Faith.

You MUST pay attention to the things that influence your child and act accordingly. If you are one of those parents who think that your children will be OK even if you continually expose them to bad influences in some part of their life, meditate on this simple analogy: You cannot swim in the ocean without getting wet.

Though not Catholic, Elon Musk realized this too late and said, “I lost my son” to the people who were influencing his son to do awful things. He also stated that “Most people don’t realize how much the woke virus is poisoning the minds of their kids. Better to take them out of school than allow Soviet-level indoctrination to take place.”


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Claire Signe
5 months ago

Pray each and every day. We live in such weird times and we need true leaders who stick up for faith and values. I pray God gives me strength to help our kids be good and faithful and decent in this world where so many are intent on selfish and harmful ways. Parents, do your job and raise your kids right
And more moms should stay home to raise them. Feminists have de valued the most important job: motherhood. Don’t believe their lies!! and make kids your priority

11 months ago

Virgen santísima, realmente necesitamos de tu auxilio y consejo, hoy estamos atribulados por las ideologías y con todo respeto el empoderamiento feminista, muchas madres en su libertad, tomaron la decisión de desarraigar a los padres separándose, claro que hay malos Padrés “hombres”, pero unos pocos como es mi caso he sido fiel a María santísima no perfecto pero si católico, no santo , pero si me esfuerzo por mantener la educación que recibí de mis Padrés, mi hogar se separó por mi compañera ella tomo la alternativa sectaria, y literal es una lucha dispareja, cuando las leyes favorecen a la mujer, si reconocer que algunas realmente son el mal ejemplo y la causa de los desórdenes sociales.
Bueno siempre he orado por el bienestar, salud y conversión, y la rebeldía ( empoderamiento) es un cáncer que destruye nuestra sociedad.
Yo pido perdón al padre eterno por todos los hogares víctimas de éste mal, existen otros casos y causa.
Pero participó en el caso y experiencia que vivo.
Espero que todas las buenas mujeres lo comprendan y si alguna me responde de manera agresiva ojalá Dios le dirija su vida.

8 months ago
Reply to  Richard

Si tan solo te hicieras responsable de tus actos, en vez de culpar a los demás, pudiera mejorar algo

10 months ago

I have tried my utter best. But my three boys left the catholic church right after high school. I am a Catholic my husband is a convert. When the kids were young it is my duty to see that they go to Sunday school and mass on Sunday. I am sad as until today none wants to step in to a church. Its hear breaking.

10 months ago
Reply to  Helen

Keep praying to Our Lady. My son just came back at the age of 27. Don’t nag your children, nag Jesus and His mother to bring your children home. Ask thembfir miracles, andntrust them. I promise it can be done. I literally stopped talking to my son about his faith, while still visibly practicing my own. Only to answer direct questions, which he suddenly started asking before Christmas. He now says the rosary woth me, goes tonmass and confession, and has become very devout. The answer is prayer. God is stronger than the brainwashing of society. Keep praying – ask their guardian angels to help as wrlo and their patrons (name saints.) I promise you, God and Mary will guide your boys back home.

9 months ago
Reply to  Mary

Beautiful encouraging words, I do believe them with all my heart