15. Remove Non-Christian Friends From Their Environment

In addition to cultivating Christian friends for your children, end any destructive relationships your child has, too.

Whether it’s a wayward relative or a pal who is a bad influence in some way, your child shouldn’t be spending any time with them—or as little as possible.

This gets rid of the third major area of corruption for most children.
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2 months ago

A good Christian should change the world, not be changed. I would personally try to better his friends without cutting them off. Also, as for the entertainment one, I think that the aim should be to get your kids to follow Christianity regardless of the outside world, as they would know that Christianity is right. We shouldn’t be making them know less, but know better

1 month ago

What could possibly be so bad about having a non-Christian friend? And I’m not just talking about atheist, what about those who are Muslim, Hindu or Sikh? Who you cut them out of your child’s friend group simply because you think the world was created in a different way?

1 month ago
Reply to  Emmie

The problem with non-Christian friends is that they tend to introduce non-Christian ideas to your children and lead them into things like drug addiction, alcoholism, atheism, promiscuity and all sorts of other destructive beliefs/behaviors.

1 month ago
Reply to  feedback

The correlation between atheism and non-Christian values isn’t necessarily forced. Where I am from a lot of people will say that they are atheist, and yet they share most of the values Christians believe in, while I also met a lot of Christians with dangerous or damaging ideas.
It is also worth noting that ending your kid’s friendships is a great way to make them rebuke you and everything you’ve taught them altogether.

1 month ago
Reply to  EtherealOlpes

In the childless, atheist world, which seems to be where you are coming from, right is wrong and wrong is right, up is down and down is up. Removing bad influences from children somehow corrupts them, and letting them do whatever they want helps them become better people and gives them a better understanding of the truth. This thinking is why most Catholic kids leave the faith.

Do you realize and agree that children do not have the maturity to make good decisions like adults can? I’ve never met a child who said he rejected everything his parents taught him because they didn’t let him be friends with somebody. I’ve met met tons of children who were led out of their religion by their friends, though. I bet you know this.

1 month ago
Reply to  feedback

Hate to be the “Umm, actually” guy, especially about something you couldn’t possibly know, but I am from Italy, land of Mario, pizza, pasta and the Pope. I would also add that, according to nation-wide statistics, 70% of the population is Catholic.
I’ve gone to Sunday school, took religion class in school etc. etc.
I’d also like to add that I am too young to have kids, and found this site while researching angelology. Since I am, right now, questioning whether God exists or not, I came here to get another point of view. Btw if you have any Christian sources to recommend I’ll surely check those out.
Also I would like to apologize if I have been a nuisance. My goal was not to be annoying or to troll, and I am sorry if it was perceived that way. If you want me to, I’ll stop writing on here

1 month ago
Reply to  EtherealOlpes

No apologies necessary, but I was wondering about the trolling. I have some thoughts you might find helpful. Since it might be a long discussion, I will send you an email to the one you listed and we can have our conversation there.