20. Criticize The Godless And Point Out The Failures Of Their Beliefs And Actions

This is a HUGE blind spot in most Catholic families, so I am going to be very blunt:

A person is pretty stupid if he purposefully ignores God and puts himself in Hell. He is even dumber if he teaches Godlessness to others and takes them to Hell with him.

But the Godless WILL promote themselves as “enlightened” and “smart” while they denigrate you and Catholicism as backward, out-of-date, bigoted, etc. They will tell your children that good is evil and evil is good, up is down and down is up, men are women and women are men, etc.

Awful, ridiculous, things that past generations rejected out-of-hand are now taught as “virtues” while good, common-sense, things—such as keeping God’s commandments—are strongly condemned by these foolish people as “immoral.”

People who advance evil are promoted as role-models while God-fearing parents are cast as the hypocritical “Church Lady” portrayed on old Saturday Night Live shows. The same people who endlessly preached “tolerance” for immoral views when I was young are now canceling (and even imprisoning) people left and right for promoting Christian values and common sense.

Sane people really cannot believe it when children accept the crazy things they are taught, and others cannot get over how bold the anti-Christians have become. Here’s a clue why that is: The purveyors of crazy filth were emboldened (and children believed them) because Christians were too cowardly to stand up to them or even criticize their ridiculous beliefs.

That needs to end. YOU need to put the crazies back in their place and tell the truth to your kids. Point out when the Godless commit suicide, die of a drug overdose, get an STD, chop off their own body parts, go to jail, ruin their marriage, hurt/kill their own children, harm people with their bad laws, or otherwise destroy themselves and others with their hedonistic, anti-God dogmas. Point out how their beliefs ALWAYS end in failure and Hell.

Do this charitably, of course, and don’t turn into an angry, toxic, sourpuss. But don’t be too nice to fight back and teach your children the truth, because the Godless WILL fill your child’s head with lies about you and the Church. Ridicule works, it’s the Christian thing to do, and Godless actions deserve it.

“But, but, but…Jesus said we should be nice to people and we should be positive instead of negative.” Umm, in reality, Jesus never mentioned “nice,” “positive,” or “negative” and set a pretty good example when he criticized the leaders of his day by calling them a “brood of vipers,” “white-washed tombs,” “blind guides,” “fools,” “murderers,” etc. (Matthew 23: 13-36)

The cultural leaders of our day are even worse than the leaders in Jesus’ time, and we should likewise criticize them. Why? Because you won’t win your child’s heart and mind if you just play defense and never attack the beliefs of the bad guys purposefully turning your own children against you. I’ve seen people try it, and just “being positive” never works.

Love your enemy, but make sure you tell the truth about him, too.

This is a HUGE blind spot in most Catholic families, so I am going to be very blunt:

A person is pretty stupid if he purposefully ignores God and puts himself in Hell. He is even dumber if he teaches Godlessness to others and takes them to Hell with him.

But the Godless WILL promote themselves as “enlightened” and “smart” while they denigrate you and Catholicism as backward, out-of-date, bigoted, etc. They will tell your children that good is evil and evil is good, up is down and down is up, men are women and women are men, etc.

Awful, ridiculous, things that past generations rejected out-of-hand are now taught as “virtues” while good, common-sense, things—such as keeping God’s commandments—are strongly condemned by these foolish people as “immoral.”

People who advance evil are promoted as role-models while God-fearing parents are cast as the hypocritical “Church Lady” portrayed on old Saturday Night Live shows. The same people who endlessly preached “tolerance” for immoral views when I was young are now canceling (and even imprisoning) people left and right for promoting Christian values and common sense.

Sane people really cannot believe it when children accept the crazy things they are taught, and others cannot get over how bold the anti-Christians have become. Here’s a clue why that is: The purveyors of crazy filth were emboldened (and children believed them) because Christians were too cowardly to stand up to them or even criticize their ridiculous beliefs.

That needs to end. YOU need to put the crazies back in their place and tell the truth to your kids. Point out when the Godless commit suicide, die of a drug overdose, get an STD, chop off their own body parts, go to jail, ruin their marriage, hurt/kill their own children, harm people with their bad laws, or otherwise destroy themselves and others with their hedonistic, anti-God dogmas. Point out how their beliefs ALWAYS end in failure and Hell.

Do this charitably, of course, and don’t turn into an angry, toxic, sourpuss. But don’t be too nice to fight back and teach your children the truth, because the Godless WILL fill your child’s head with lies about you and the Church. Ridicule works, it’s the Christian thing to do, and Godless actions deserve it.

“But, but, but…Jesus said we should be nice to people and we should be positive instead of negative.” Umm, in reality, Jesus never mentioned “nice,” “positive,” or “negative” and set a pretty good example when he criticized the leaders of his day by calling them a “brood of vipers,” “white-washed tombs,” “blind guides,” “fools,” “murderers,” etc. (Matthew 23: 13-36)

The cultural leaders of our day are even worse than the leaders in Jesus’ time, and we should likewise criticize them. Why? Because you won’t win your child’s heart and mind if you just play defense and never attack the beliefs of the bad guys purposefully turning your own children against you. I’ve seen people try it, and just “being positive” never works.

Love your enemy, but make sure you tell the truth about him, too.

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8 months ago

I agree with the description of the evils that exist in the world!
I would class myself a peace lover which I think puts me in the non confrontational corner with the meek Catholics. I am not proud of my labeling but history forces me to adopt a solution of praying for a better world and trust in Jesus and the Holy Spirit to bring God’s “will on earth as it is in Heaven”.
The hardest thing for me is to pray for enemies but it has to be done.
In the way of the cross Jesus gave himself up to the forces of evil.
It would be awesome to see more of your truthful dialogue on our social media’s on our TV’s, newspaper’s but very few would engage it.
Loved reading your articles.I will pray to be stronger.

1 month ago
Reply to  Mike

Many time the evil comes from the familiars. I am alone in my Faith in my family but not alone spiritually I have the help of the Holy Spirit and Christ. Without God I was destroyed because as in my family of origine and here married I am sorrounded by atheists and secularist christians who have only christians names and were never in Church for decades. So in every house God will find someone to light the Faith and to destroy the evil of your people or friends or familiars but this needs prayers and time.