22. Don’t Give Your Kids “The College Experience“
College is legendary for corrupting young people who would have not otherwise fallen from the Faith had they not attended in the first place.
Young adults are very gullible and will often be loyal to their college training, for better or worse, for the rest of their lives. They want to believe that what they learn in “higher education” makes them superior to other people, including their parents.
Because of that, you really don’t want people teaching your adult children that they are the smartest generation in history because their immorality, “woke-ness,” and Communism make them superior to their benighted parents, who are too stupid to realize the wickedness of their “racist,” old-fashioned, conservative beliefs. You really don’t want people teaching them atheist ideas while pretending to teach them other things. (I once heard a college professor explain that “the best way to teach somebody is by making them think they are learning something else.” Think about that for a minute.) You really do not want colleges turning your kids against you because you are Christian or straight or male or white or patriotic or …. whatever the unpopular categories are nowadays on campus.
If you don’t believe this mischief happens thousands of times every day, read one small example here: www.foxnews.com/us/mother-nyc-heiress-paid-deprogrammer-big-bucks-daughter-brainwashed-college-woke-agenda
If you want your children to have a “real-world” experience after high-school, help them get a real job. Common sense is far more important than a college degree, and going to Heaven is far more important than anything else.
If giving them “the college experience” destroys both common-sense and salvation in your young adult (after taking all of your money!) it was the worst decision you ever made.
If your children MUST go to college, send them to a real, Christian college like those found in the Newman Guide (www.thenewmanguide.org) or at least decent Protestant colleges like Hillsdale University (www.hillsdale.edu). If possible, let them study from home, around adults, instead of around other kids in a drug/sex/alcohol/propaganda-filled dorm.
You could even let them get some maturity and real-world experience for a few years before going off for a degree they will likely never use.
Don’t unwittingly give your children an “intellectual basis” (i.e. a high-sounding excuse) for rejecting Christianity. Your kids won’t be the exception to what the universities have been producing the past few decades, and you underestimate the Godless institutions at your own peril.
You’ve been warned.
Don’t give your kids the college experience????
There’s nothing wrong with college. It’s a great way to get an education. But of course it’s not for everyone. Just stear your child to a good conservative experience. Not every college is woke.
You may have missed the point. Or perhaps you are being naive. Do you not see what is going on out there? It’s not just the institutions, it’s the fellow students that can bring you down and take you out.
There are Woke College
You are blinded and fooled by Their Wokeism
Find in their Woke evil side
Religion cannot be fault
if you try challange for against Bible
I know all this
This is an excellent article. I basically did all that but as a single mom of seven. One of mine is a practising Catholic, another is a Xmas and Easter Catholic, another is a “ believer” but due to trauma in childhood re the ex husband thinks she’s not worthy of Jesus’ love. The other four are also productive citizens, and good people, albeit not Catholic. Being a single mom is hard work ( and I basically was one even when married). My marriage was annulled btw. Thanks for this article- it needs to be more widely disseminated, although perhaps with an aside for single parents ( sometimes they’re the dads).
I am wondering to have found this manual of education. It is like a Sun for me as a catholic wife to have a smart daughter with a passive christian husband and all his and my family against my faith. This summery is what I was looking so long time. I would like to put these article in videos. I have learned with the help of the holy Spirit of God. Have to be shared in Youtube. We have to create together a group to share it for every parent as us.
I’m sorry, but this time I couldn’t disagree more. The foundation for an aware and strong faith resides in the knowledge that what you know is actually true and logically unopposable. This will help them withstand the pressure of the Godless present in society and the common arguments atheists will use to try and change their mind. If they cannot manage a bad example sleeping in the same room as them, how will they be prepared for the world where everyone is against them? If they succumb to corruption just because someone tells them Godless things it means that their faith wasn’t strong enough, or perhaps not well enough trained to resist and counter other’s arguments; this could have arisen because of a lack of exposure of the majority’s opinion about the Faith, hence leaving them unprepared
In my experience/observation, that is simply not what happens most of the time when kids go off to college. If you are taught mainly anti-Catholic ideas and propaganda at college, you can only resist it if you are already strong in the Faith. Most kids are not; they are in the “formative” years and college will more often mold them instead of strengthening them — unless they go to the rare college dedicated to strengthening their Faith.
I agree totally.
What?! I expected to see some pretty crazy things in this article, but never this! College/University is a great learning choice for people of all ages! Not providing them an opportunity will make life extremely difficult to get a job! How would you have gotten your degrees without the help of education past of being a teenager?
Well, I guess I’m glad you made it this far. 😉 College can be helpful to some people, but the warning here is to parents who don’t want their children corrupted while the kids are supposedly preparing for the workforce. I know people who have fewer degrees than anybody in their family and make far more than anybody in their family ever did. (And many in their family never used the degree they spent years getting.) In fact, the wealthiest person I personally know came from a very poor background and had no education other than high-school. Maybe not even that. Again, I am not bad-mouthing the idea of higher-education, I’m just bad-mouthing the CURRENT state of “higher” education. It sounds like you might want to check out the “atheist” section of this website, though.