23. Encourage Them To Read The Bible. The Whole Thing.

Something changes in a person when he reads the whole Bible himself. Not just the parts that get read at Mass, but the WHOLE thing, from cover to cover. I know something changed for me, my wife, and my children who did it as young/middle-age adults.

Not only is it an accomplishment, you also have a deeper understanding of God and humanity that you simply don’t get any other way. It’s almost like a sacrament, because it strengthens your faith.

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10 months ago

I’ve never thought of it as ‘like a sacrament’ before, however, that definitely makes sense when one considers how central scripture is to the sacrament during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass!

2 months ago

You are right 100% here. They should know exactly what they believe in

1 month ago

Sure is the most important because the schools are doing nothing about this. They are telling Biblical stories for the level of kindergardens but our children of Hi Tech generations are more smart than our generation of tv. My daughter is 10 years but her level of reading is 17 so also her understanding so my priester said to me she can start with the reading of the real Bible and she read it every night some pages before sleeping. If she have questions she asks me if I dont know for myself I search and I read on internet in the catholic pages or I ask to my priester, my spiritual father in Faith.