3. Create A Happy Home Life

When your kids look back on their childhood, will they hate the thought of it? If so, then your kids will be likely to reject the faith of their childhood as well as their previous, unhappy life.

As much as possible, work to create a happy home life for your children: Help them with their problems. Let them know you care about them and are on their side. Spend time with them. Pay attention to their feelings. Don’t play favorites or treat one child better than the others. Don’t let any child treat another child badly in any way. Discipline them, but don’t be unnecessarily ugly. Don’t take out your frustrations on them.

No childhood will be butterflies and rainbows all of the time, but, as much as possible, you want your kids to look back on their life at home with fond memories of how they were treated by you and their siblings. They should know there is no greater advocate for them (except God) than YOU.

When I first heard this concept as a young parent, I did not appreciate how profound it is. Now I do.
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11 months ago

Excellent piece of advice. Thanks