4. Christians Are Supposed To Be Different Than Other People

Many people believe that they and their kids have a problem if they are not like “everybody else.” Consciously or unconsciously, they make most of their decisions based upon whether they think something is “normal” or not.

That’s crazy. It’s also un-Christian. As you have probably noticed in today’s Western world, “everybody else” is pretty-much atheist or Christian-in-name-only. In modern society, “normal” is the same as “Godless.” Therefore, by definition, being “Catholic” means being “different.”

It is hard to overstate this: Christians are called to be the “salt of the Earth” – not “the Earth.” (Matt 5:13-16) We are called to be the “light of the world,” not the “darkness” which surrounds it. (Matt 5:14) God-fearing people are supposed to “walk the narrow road” that leads to Heaven—which few walk—instead of “the wide road” that leads to Hell—which most walk. (Matthew 7:13-14)

You must come to grips with the fact that you cannot be in the big, Godless crowd and the smaller, Christian crowd at the same time, and everybody has to choose which one to join and which one to abandon. This requires courage, but it’s easier than driving your family crazy trying to fit in with both. I recommend joining the Christian crowd and being proud of your choice. After that, the phrase, “everybody is doing it” and “follow the crowd” should be considered curse words in your house. Here’s why:

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Dinosaurs is Doesn't Exist
10 months ago

Yes, Atheist is doesn’t have normal think, it’s Broken