9. Your Home Is Your (Godly) Castle

It should be a place where only good things are present. Sin and other bad behavior should not feel normal or acceptable there. It should feel shocking, embarrassing, rare, and out-of-place instead.

Your home may be the only place where your kids are not constantly bombarded with Godlessness, and your kids need that one place, because it forms a healthy psychological barrier against the bad things outside the door.

If your child is constantly exposed to something sinful – either in person or via electronic media – it will start to feel normal to him, and his psychological barrier to it will break down. Think about this: If you’ve watched a million shows where something bad is presented as good, does it really shock your conscience anymore? Is the thought of doing it yourself really that unthinkable? OR are you so used to it now that it no longer feels disturbing and, therefore, doesn’t seem like a big deal? Hint: If it doesn’t feel like a big deal, you are at least part of the way toward accepting it yourself.

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Lea Sandham
7 months ago

God bless you! This is AWESOME. Is it possible to gain access to this in form of a PDF?

My name is Lea Sandham, from South Africa. I have not yet come across an article addressing several grave matters on raising Catholic children so eloquently. It also speaks to adult Catholics and ‘every day’ life.

AND is there a remote possibility of getting my grubby mitts on a 1000 printed leaflets, or as close to that as possible? So many people in Johannesburg alone will benefit richly from this.

Thanking you in advance

7 months ago
Reply to  Lea Sandham

Thank you, Lea. We will produce a .pdf and/or a printed copy of this at some point in the future, but I am not sure when. For now, please send the parents to http://www.HowToKeepYourKidsCatholic.com.

4 months ago
Reply to  Lea Sandham

You can save the web pages individually as HTMLs, or use a freebie like Snipping Tool to turn this into pictures.