14. Cultivate Christian Friends For Your Children

Everybody needs friends, especially Christian friends. Kids are overwhelmed by the Godless world when they step outside the front door. Having Christian friends with them in the struggle is very helpful to them.

This won’t happen by chance, so go to the places (Home-schoolers, Church, Christian organizations, etc.) where your kids can meet other Christian children and pursue relationships with them.

Also, when spending time around others, children should never be behind a closed door, especially a closed bedroom door. Remembering all the pornography and other sin I encountered at (some) relatives’ and friends’ houses when I was younger, I never let my own children spend the night at somebody else’s house other than their grandparents. I really never let them visit other people’s houses at all if I wasn’t there or if I wasn’t completely convinced that the other family was serious about God. That is one decision I have never regretted. My children had fun when they were younger, but my goal for them was not “maximum fun” but “fun without sin.”
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