17. Give Them Less Exposure And Responsibility When Younger, And Greater Exposure And Responsibility As They Get Older

I am convinced that young people cannot be exposed to Godless ideas without being corrupted by them. From kindergarten to College, children are very impressionable and susceptible to permanent corruption.

In the struggle for your child’s mind, your great example and good teaching cannot compete with the bad influences kids commonly encounter nowadays, so eliminate the “competition” until your children have demonstrated that they are “set” enough in their thinking to withstand it. (This was usually between 17-21 in my household, sometimes later depending on the topic.)

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1 month ago

Hallo there, I find your website and I think the same as you have written. I am struggeling and doing all these with my daughter here in Belgium. It is not easy to do all these and for this reason I am not working but making video’s to learn to my daughter and others our christian culture and our Catholic Faith. This have to be share in a video for the world.

1 month ago

Really going the lengths there with ‘corrupted.’ Why do you think that children are being ‘corrupted’ from other ideas? A growing mind should be exposed to other viewpoints, even if they’re ones you personally don’t agree with. While I respect your opinions I do think it’s a bit extreme do say that. What if I flipped the tables? What if I said I wanted to raise my kids atheist and not expose them to Christianity at all? How would you feel?